ways to SUPPOrT barrington afterprom

Volunteer Opportunities
There are many volunteer opportunities leading up to the main event. All year long, assistance is needed with planning, preparations and fundraising. We are actively seeking energetic members from our community to keep this event happening year after year.
When the event arrives, many hands are needed to assist with decorations, provide food, various setup tasks, overseeing games and activities, cleanup and more!

AfterProm Fundraising
AfterProm is completely funded by private and community donations. In order to reach our yearly fundraising goal AfterProm holds several events throughout the year to raise money for each year's fundraising campaign. Our fundraisers are fun community events that allows everyone to participate from canning drives, clothing drives, to partnering with local restaurants.
Do you have a fun new exciting fundraising idea? we would love to hear from you!
Employer Donation Matching
Many businesses offer non-profit gift donation matching, check with your employer to see if this is something that they offer. Barrington AfterProm is a 501(c)3 organization.
By Mail
ATTN: Barrington AfterProm
Barrington High School
220 Lincoln Avenue​
Barrington, RI 02806
[Please make checks payable to Barrington AfterProm]
If you would like to make a direct donation
to Barrington AfterProm
please click on the link below